Chemical Agents, OC Spray, Pepper Spray

California BSIS Security Guard Chemical Agents

NOTE: This course is offered as part of the Complete 40-hours BSIS course.

This is the stand alone course for adding the qualification to carry tear gas/pepper spray. Enroll in this course only if you already hold a BSIS Guard Card and wish to add Chemical Agents (tear gas/pepper spray) qualification.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student is issued a Certificate of Training and Identification for carrying Tear Gas and Pepper Spray.

Cost: $35.00

Our students are given hard-plastic Chemical Agents Identification Cards, NOT paper permits.


Chemical Agents


  • Understand a brief history of tear gas
  • Understand the chemical properties of hand-held defensive sprays
  • Understand the different types of hand-held defensive spray canisters and nozzles
  • Understand the criminal and civil implications of deploying chemical agents
  • Understand defensive spray decontamination procedures
  • Understand the principles of proper deployment of hand-held defensive sprays
  • Understand the limitations of hand-held defensive sprays
  • Understand the proper maintenance, storage and disposal of hand-held defensive sprays
  • Complete the Chemical Agents Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.


  1. Tear Gas Use and Effects
  2. Pepper Spray Use and Effects
  3. Deploying Chemical Agents


Course Completion

Upon succcessful completion of this course while passing all exams with a score of 100% in accordance with regulations students are provided:

  • A Certificate of Training Completion
  • Identification for carrying Tear Gas and Pepper Spray
    Our students are given hard-plastic Chemical Agents Identification Cards, NOT paper permits.



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Other Price
Chemical Agents Course $35.00


Defensive Spray Kindle Book

Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.