Security Incident Recollection Card
Remembering all of the details of crisis event can be difficult even for the best trained and most disciplined of us. For this reason, Security Training Center,® LLC. and Palladium Education,® Inc. have created a Security Incident Recollection Card to help remind professional security officers and law enforcement to record details of an event that might help identify and capture suspects.
The card is created such that it can be printed, double-sided, cut and carried in a shirt or coat pocket, or kept in a small notepad. Immediately after an event, record the details by completing the card and marking the diagrams. Suspect, vehicle, weapons, witnesses and employees are all accounted for on the Security Incident Recollection Card.
Download the Security Incident Recollection Card here (.PDF file).
Formatted as 3" x 5" card.

Security Incident Recollection Card.
This Incident Recollection Card is Copyright 2011 Palladium Education,® Inc.