Security Training Center® News
August 14, 2022
Most Wanted Felon Captured Working as Armed Guard
Atlanta GA. August 14th, 2022 An Atlanta man whom police say is a convicted felon prohibited from owning or possessing firearms and who was on the Atlanta’ Most Wanted Fugitive list was captured by police while working as an armed security guard.
Police responding to a tip of where Jordan Pack was working, was able to take him into custody at gunpoint at an apartment complex.
Pack who was wearing camouflage, a firearm, and body armor also had a shotgun in his possession at the time of his arrest.
Atlanta police say that he was wanted on multiple aggravated assault charges and felony warrants from three other counties.
Pack was hesitant at first when police told him to get on the ground and continued to walk toward officers but did comply as officers pointed AR-15 rifles at him.
There was no information in the Atlanta Police release relating to who Pack was working for or what his original charges were that led to him being a convicted felon.
Security Training Center® is a professional security guard training company. Our purpose to educate security personnel and organizations in the latest protocols and techniques to keep staff, property and other valuables safe. A proactive approach to security awareness prevents many problems from ever occurring, reducing risk to staff and liability. We teach early identification of potential problems and how to defuse conflicts before reaching crisis. Our staff and advisory board have decades of experience in military, law enforcement, executive protection, private security, defensive weapons and martial arts. Our training programs span the globe and are used on five (5) continents.
Original article posted by Private Officer International. Used with permission.
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