Training Record
Private citizens, healthcare staff and security officers can face personal liability claims for actions taken during a crisis. Common claims include:
- Excessive Force
- False Arrest
- False Imprisonment
- Kidnapping
- Invasion of privacy
- Malicious prosecution
- Assault and battery
Keeping a detailed training record can help shield against false claims by helping to explain why certain decisions were made in split seconds. Documentable education and training is critical evidence to establishing credibility with experience, knowledge and continuing education.
Security Training Center® recommends keeping a personal file on all training courses completed. Copies of all completion certificates, document training videos, copies of relevant newspaper and magazine articles studied and additional in-service programs should be kept in document storage that is readily attainable by the administration or individual. A file of relevant articles can be kept as PDF files or cut out and kept for reference in hard file. The educational staff should edit material periodically and employees should review it to reinforce lessons learned in the personal training programs attended. Document each time the material is watched and read in a training record. Document all supplementary training courses and seminars attended privately. Log all mandatory classes attended for credentialing and qualifications in the personal training record. Retain a copy of all training materials and manuals, especially when supplied by the employer. Log all education and training in the Training Record.
Download the Training Record here (.PDF file).
Formatted for easy storage in a 3-ring binder.

Sample form Training Record.
This Training Record is copyright 2011 Palladium Education,® Inc.